Knife Man Tour: In the footsteps of John Hunter
Follow Dr Barry Walsh in footsteps of the famous surgeon Dr John Hunter through the streets of the West End, Covent Garden and end in the remarkable Hunterian Museum in Lincoln’s Inn Fields. The infatuation of a doctors wife for the sculptor of Eros begins our tour and ends mournfully in the Royal College of Surgeons. The Windmill School of anatomy in the 18th Century was where the Hunter brothers taught dissection on bodies provided by the Resurrection men. Chasing down the body of an Irish Giant for dissection and seeing where John Hunter’s house and museum stood in Leicester Square. In the Hunterian museum we will see the skeleton of the Irish Giant and also that of the tiny Sicilian fairy. Other displays show Hunter’s studies into the human body and made surgery a science.
- Meet Dr Barry
- Piccadilly Circus, Eros Exit
- First stop (for any latecomers)
- Great Windmill St near Windmill theatre
- Ends at
- Hunterian Museum Lincoln's In Fields 3 mins walk from Holborn underground station.